Nikon L35AF

Nikon L35 AF
Released in 1983 this was Nikon's first point and shoot camera to feature Auto-Focus. Although they were behind the competition in releasing a camera of this type its high-specifications set it apart. I really like the fact that it has a focus scale in the viewfinder so you have a pretty good idea if you are going to get correct focus. The lens is quite sharp as well. I carry this camera when I want to shoot an auto-focus camera with a built in flash but I don't want to carry expensive equipment. I actually have two of these - my first one died but I came across a pristine copy at an estate sale. I've shot a fair bit of film between these two great little Nikon's.

Our Self Portrait
Even at close-up with the flash exposure is usually correct - many newer cameras would have blown this shot out.
Perfect exposure and great sharpness.
Gamauf Hardware
This was shot on expired film - I love shooting old film through this camera.
Wes & Eva
If you want a classic "filmy look" you can use certain apps on your iphone - or you can shoot the Nikon L35AF with its pop-up flash.